Green Lawn Abbey is a beautiful mausoleum built in 1927. The grand building was a sought after place of interment from successful entrepreneurs and professionals.
After the Abbey declined in the late 20th century, the Green Lawn Abbey Preservation Association was formed to restore the grand mausoleum.

photo via Green Lawn Abbey Preservation Association
Green Lawn Abbey is listed on the National Register of Historic Places in recognition of its fine Palladio-inspired neoclassical architecture, its high-quality materials, and expert craftsmanship.
The Preservation Association hosts events throughout the year to both celebrate the beauty of the building, as well as to raise funds. Volunteers pay for 100% of the restoration and maintenance!
Movies Under the Stars
Bring a date or some friends to enjoy Movies Under the Stars fundraisers at Green Lawn Abbey. Check the Facebook events page for updates! Food truck, drinks, and picnic before every movie, plus the Abbey will be open for tours.
Admission is $5 dollar donation and the Fall Fundraiser is $20. All proceeds go towards restoration efforts.
July 12: Pee Wee’s Big Adventure
July 26: Christmas Vacation
August 9: The Birdcage
August 23: The Lost Boys
September 13: Scream
September 27: Ghostbusters
October 4: Hocus Pocus
October 11: Fall Fundraiser – The Shining (tickets are $20)
All money goes to restoration of this fabulous landmark!
Green Lawn Abbey Tales from the Crypt
October 25-26, 2024 at 6pm & 7:30pm
Things will get a little spooky at the Abbey, as some of the residents come to “life”. Grim-faced Jack lanterns will greet you on the steps, and candles will set the mood inside.
Meet two exciting new Abbey residents who will add their own flair to the event. Meet Tress Augustine, who will dazzle us as the stylish Jean Terry Grant, sharing her insights into the vibrant artistic African American community of Columbus. Julie Piotrowski will enchant as Socialite Isabelle (Izzy) Kinner Stevens, setting the tone for a lively celebration. Returning to the festivities, Tim Piotrowski will charm us as Mayor George Karb, toasting to our wonderful gathering.
Adding to the evening’s excitement, Mike Sanderson will provide the musical backdrop as Karl “Pop” Hoenig, and Kara Prem will bring the inspiring story of OSU benefactor Oda Dice Demarest to life. Matt Humphries as Edward “King Edward” Swisher of Swisher Sweets Cigars will regale us with captivating tales of old Columbus, rounding out an event that promises to be rich in history, and elegance.
Enjoy a night of storytelling, celebration, and unforgettable moments! Light refreshments provided; dress warmly.
Tickets are just $20. This is the Abbey’s signature event and is sure to please anyone who loves old mausoleums and history. The event sells out every year so get your tickets early. Dress for the weather in comfortable shoes. The building is not ADA-compliant (stairs).
100% of the proceeds are used for Abbey Restoration. Stay tuned for more Abbey events in the future!
The Green Lawn Abbey
700 Green Lawn Ave
Columbus, OH 43223
There's so much to do in Columbus in the Fall, whether you’re looking for something spooky or kid-friendly! Check out our HUGE list of fall events, Haunted Houses and Haunted Woods and Spooky Ghost Tours, community Trunk or Treat events and Halloween Parties, and our list of pumpkin patches, farm activities and corn mazes! Plus, find out when your community is having Trick or Treat or Beggar's Night this year!
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