The rumors are true! McDonald’s Halloween pails that many of us remember from our childhood are back again in 2024 with purchase of Happy Meals!

image: McDonalds
This year they gave them a monstrous makeover, with new monster designs in white, orange, green and blue. Fans can customize their Monster Boo Bucket pails with themed stickers.
There's so much to do in Columbus in the Fall, whether you’re looking for something spooky or kid-friendly! Check out our HUGE list of fall events, Haunted Houses and Haunted Woods and Spooky Ghost Tours, community Trunk or Treat events and Halloween Parties, and our list of pumpkin patches, farm activities and corn mazes! Plus, find out when your community is having Trick or Treat or Beggar's Night this year!
The McDonalds Boo Buckets returned starting October 15, 2024, so you should fine them in stores now!
Want one? Just order a Happy Meal – you’ll get the pail instead of standard Happy Meal toy. They’ll be available through Halloween, Oct. 31, while supplies last.
Are you a McDonald’s Halloween pails super-fan?
For die-hard fans, there are four designs to find for a complete collection.
The buckets are distributed randomly. Design requests may not be accommodated, but it never hurts to ask nicely!
Whether you want them for your kids or for yourself, we aren’t judging. They are only available for a limited time while supplies last, so don’t wait!
Double-Check Before You Head Out!
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However, sometimes things change without notice, and we are not always notified. It's also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
Looking for Fall fun in Columbus? Check out these popular Fall pages!
- Upcoming weekend events
- Best places to pick apples in Central Ohio
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- Columbus Pumpkin Patches, Farm Activities, Corn Mazes, and More
- Over 100 events celebrating Fall and Halloween in Columbus
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- 11 Haunted Woods and Haunted Houses Around Columbus
- 15 Spooky Ghost Tours around Columbus
- Safe Trick-or-Treat and Trunk-or-Treat in Columbus
- Trick or Treat Schedule Around Columbus
- Nature walks and scenic hiking trails in Columbus
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- Huge List of Columbus Happy Hours
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