Most people are aware that essential oils smell good, but they are so more than just pleasant aromas. Essential oils have scientifically demonstrated emotional and healing benefits. Chemical, toxic, synthetic, and unpleasant smells can disrupt and wreak havoc on our emotions. Pleasant, therapeutic, natural smells, such as those from pure essential oils, can relax, calm, and help us to deal with emotions such as worry and anxiety that often accompany grief.
Presenters Kristine Lucius and Kimber Brownlee have been using essential oils for a combination of over ten years and teach a variety of natural wellness classes. Kristine experienced two very significant, diverse forms of loss/grief- one before and one after being introduced to essential oils. The difference in emotional healing with essential oils was profound and an experience she finds beneficial to share with others learning to live with loss.
Essential Oils and Grief: October 28, 2020 from 6pm – 8pm
Learn the science behind oils and emotions along with practical tips for their use in managing grief. Attendees will smell and select oils to make a roller to take home. RSVP by Wednesday, October 21st at
Cornerstone of Hope Conference Center
1550 Old Henderson Rd. Suite N-131
Columbus, Ohio 43220
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