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Let’s get to the good news right away: car insurance in Columbus is cheaper than the national average. The average rate in Columbus is $1170 annually, as compared to $1548 nationally.
However, as with most states, that premium goes up for younger drivers; $1666 for drivers in their 20s and a whopping $5,466 for teen drivers.
But there are a lot of factors that can drive those premiums up — and some steps you can take to bring them down again. There are also ways to find cheap car insurance in Columbus.

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Factors That Affect Columbus Car Insurance Rates
So what exactly determines what you’ll pay in premiums for your car insurance?
In basic terms, insurers ideally want to pay as little as they can in compensation for accidents — the same way you do when you get in an accident. So anything that increases their financial risk will drive rates up, and anything that decreases that risk will bring them down.
These risks generally fall in the following areas:
Age. In Columbus, drivers in their 50s and 60s enjoy the lowest insurance rates. Older drivers have more experience and tend to be more cautious, which leads to a lower risk of accidents. Unsurprisingly, teen drivers represent the highest risk and are thus the most expensive demographic when it comes to car insurance.
Marital status. Married drivers tend to pay less than their single counterparts. Why? Statistically speaking, drivers tend to settle down in their driving habits once they have a steady partner and possibly children to think about. Widowed drivers tend to see a bump in their insurance premiums after their partner dies, something commonly known as the “widow’s penalty.”
Traffic violations. To no one’s surprise, traffic tickets and violations are not only expensive but also demonstrate to the insurer that the driver is engaging in particularly risky behaviors. DUIs attract the highest rate increases, as it can dramatically increase the odds of a traffic accident or fatality. For example, getting a DUI citation in Columbus will raise your annual rate to $1874.
Credit score. Drivers with poor credit scores pay higher insurance rates, mostly because having a low credit score represents (to insurers) a greater likelihood of financial irresponsibility and bad financial decisions, which could impact the ability to pay premiums. So raising your credit score is never a bad idea. A driver with an excellent credit score can get their rates down to around $900 annually; a driver with a very poor score could pay $1726 or more.
Location. Unfortunately, there are some things in life you simply can’t control. Theft is one of them, and if you live in a high-risk neighborhood for burglary, car theft, or other crime, chances are good your rates will go up accordingly.
Traffic statistics. Just as with neighborhoods that are prone to crime can be a problem, so too with cities or states that have a high number of traffic accidents. This is usually the case in larger cities, although some rural areas have considerably high accident rates.
How Can You Lower Your Auto Insurance Rate In Columbus?
Believe it or not, you don’t simply have to accept the insurance rates your provider gives you. There are a lot of ways you can bring those premiums down:
Maintain a clean driving record
This is one most everyone knows about, but it’s worth mentioning anyway. Having a driving record with no accidents or violations for 3-5 years can bring your premium rates down substantially.
Shop around and compare quotes to find the best cheap car insurance in Columbus
Not all insurers are created equal, and it’s always a good idea to check your options before committing to a single insurer. Drivers should shop around for cheaper car insurance every 1-2 years to find the best and most reliable coverage for the least amount of money.
Improve your credit score
There are already some compelling reasons to bring your credit score up, and one of them is that it will bring your car insurance rates down with it!
Buy a car with a high safety rating, or an older car
As we’ve already covered, insurers love anything that represents less of a potential financial layout for them. Cars with a higher safety rating means less chance of huge medical bills. And old cars are generally cheaper and easier to repair in terms of both parts and labor. Added to which, an older car generally has a lower blue book value, and will cost less to replace if it’s totaled.
Bundle your home and car insurance
Many insurers will offer you a deal if you combine your insurance policies into one.
Take an advanced driver’s course or defensive driving course
This is another instance where insurers will see a lower financial risk because it’s less likely you’ll get in an accident.
The Zebra is the nation’s leading insurance comparison site. Find out how much you can save, by comparing insurers side-by-side in 90 seconds or less.
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