Do you have a baby turning 1 this year? Come to a CelebrateOne 1st Birthday Party to celebrate your little one!
All registered families will receive a special gift for their one year old.

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CelebrateOne, created with the City of Columbus in 2014, connects pregnant women and families with resources and support to ensure a healthy start to life.
CelebrateOne First Birthday Party
Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 1 pm – 3 pm. Free; Register here.
- Visit with community partners to receive valuable information and access to resources
- Have your 1-year-old’s picture* taken with their smash cupcake!
- Activities for kids
- Food, music, and more
- Giving away 150 COSI Year Memberships to families (first come, first served). To be eligible, you must pre-register, and you must bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate showing they are 1 year old or will turn 1 in 2024.
Parking is located inside the COSI garage. The cost of your parking is covered when you check in.
50 Belle St Columbus, OH 43215
Register here for CelebrateOne 1st Birthday!
Goals of CelebrateOne
The goal of CelebrateOne is to reduce the community’s infant mortality rate and cut the racial health disparity gap by connecting pregnant woman and families with resources and support in Columbus.
CelebrateOne and its partners focus on the most significant factors that contribute to Columbus’ high infant mortality rate:
- Reducing premature births
- Eliminating sleep-related deaths
- Connecting the disconnected
Find more details and references about the program on the Celebrate One Facebook page.
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